Celebrex Drug Effects

Monday, May 14, 2007

Early Pregnancy Symptoms - A Quick Note

So you think you are pregnant and require a week by week pregnancy information portal to guide you through. Certainly, you have the best at your disposal. And let's begin by shedding some light on the various very early pregnancy symptoms that would be among the initial challenges pregnancy would pose.

There Is No Fixed Chart to Follow

Before we start detailing out the various anticipated early pregnancy symptoms, it is important to understand that there is no one bible for all to follow. Every pregnancy is different and therefore, the kind of impact pregnancy symptoms would have on the mothers-to-be can also not always be gauged.

What to Expect

The initial feeling would be very similar to the experience of the menstrual cycle. Similar cramping, bleeding in few cases known as pregnancy spotting, emotional outburst and other such familiar occurrences might take place. One might in fact confuse an expected pregnancy with an unexpected menstrual cycle.

A prominent very early pregnancy symptom is breast tenderness. Again, many of you might undergo a very similar change during or few days before the scheduled menstrual cycle. Being an extremely sensitive body part, breasts and especially nipples soar as an immediate reaction to the change the body undergoes during pregnancy.

Another early sign of pregnancy that dodges you in the few initial weeks is the low energy index. Early days of conception may mean that you feel tired, the bed seems more tempting than ever and getting up every morning seems like the most severe of punishments. A directly related pregnancy symptom of this fatigued situation is dizziness.

The next early pregnancy symptom in line is the indicator deployed by older women to judge if one is pregnant. Any guesses? The sign is nausea or unexpected vomiting. Could be early morning for some (that is why it is referred to as pregnancy morning sickness), or could prevail all throughout the day. Morning sickness symptom is among the most irritating of pregnancy signs to deal with. Though there is nothing much that can be done, a few steps like getting slowly out of bed, munching on frequent nutritious snacks, avoiding strong odors and taking frequent naps might act as effective morning sickness cure.

Changed food tastes are another indication to suggest that pregnancy is underway. While few women would crave desperately for selected food items, another group might just start hating what they earlier yearned to eat.

Heartburn pregnancy and pregnancy constipation are among the other signs one might notice during the initial stages of week by week pregnancy.

As mentioned earlier, no two pregnant women are expected to undergo the same changes. Knowing about the mentioned symptoms however, can help foresee the sort of pregnancy it will be and thus give time to prepare for the week by week pregnancy that lies ahead.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Healing Cancer And Cellular Memory

"Cellular memory" is defined as the capacity of living tissue cells to memorise and recall characteristics of the body from which they originated. Organ transplantation has applied the advances of technologically driven orthodox medicine for more than 50 years. However, its only in recent years that the recipients of donated organs have begun to report strange phenomena - atypical newfound memories, thoughts, emotions and preferences that are uncharacteristic, i.e. that "seem not to belong" to the recipient. These phenomena are new and often upsetting to the organ recipient; they are perceived to "belong" to their donor. How could this be, and has the phenomenon of "cellular memory" any applications in medicine?

Host rejection of donated organs is commonplace; with considerable failure rates. Orthodox medicine uses potent immunosuppressive drugs and other technologies to prevent organ rejection. Does the phenomenon of "cellular memory" elicit the cause of organ rejection. If so, are there any applications to prevent or treat organ rejection? To learn more about cellular memory, read Cancer Free For Life.

Holistic medicine views the body-mind-spirit as one and is based upon the theory of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang originates from original Qi. Original Qi or Yuan Qi, originally transformed into the Qi of heaven and earth and underlies the entire infrastructure of Chinese medicine. In its primordial state, the existence of original Qi meant that all things were One. The Qi of Yin and Yang retains this connective or unifying potential.

In Yin-Yang theory, everything within the world is made-up of two opposing forces, each containing the seed of its opposite . The seed or eye grows at equal rates within each sphere until it limits are achieved. This allows a constant state of dynamic flux and balance. Yin-Yang principles guide all things. In the mutual victory or defeat of Yin-Yang, the situation will be of numerous varieties, so, Yin-Yang are the parents of variations. Yin-Yang interaction shapes everything and decides all outcomes. All situations and things of any kind depend on the relative strength or weakness of Yin and/or Yang, i.e. Yin-Yang interaction is the origin of all change or no change; it decides the outcome of everything. Everything on earth and in heaven is created from Qi and the qualities of Qi as described by Yin and Yang are rigorously expressed in all creation. Therefore, everything contains the essence (seed) of the whole.

Yin-Yang theory is the same as its modern western equivalent; the holographic principle and is the basis of cellular communication with the body-mind in dynamic interplay. The holographic principle prescribes to the theory that "every piece contains the whole" and can be seen in the cellular structure of all living bodies. It is well known that every cell contains a copy of the master DNA blueprint. From these two identical theories, we may conclude that although each organ contains its own function, emotion, spirit and so forth, each organ contains the functional essence of all the characteristics of the u organs and the body as a whole..

Visit www.alternative-health-ebooks.com for more information and articles. This article is available for reprint for your website and newsletter, provided that you maintain its copyright integrity and include the signature.

From the office of Dr. Laurence Magne, author of www.cancer-free-for-life.com.

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