Celebrex Drug Effects

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Burdock-Drug Interactions, Side Effects and Precautions of Use-Herbal Medicines

Taxonomic Class


Common Trade Names

Multi-ingredient preparations: Anthraxiviore, Burdock Blend Extract, Burdock Root, Burdock Sarsaparilla Compound

Common Forms

Available as capsules (425 mg, 475 mg, pick for topical administration, dried root, liquid extract, tea, and tincture (made from crushed seeds).


The petroleum drug is extracted from the dried root of the great burdock, Genus Genus Arctium lappa, or common burdock, Arctium minus. The seeds and go forths of clotbur works have got also been used in common people medicine. Burdock is a big biyearly herbaceous plant grown in China, Europe, and the United States. The works can be identified in the springtime by the unit of ammunition caputs of its violet flowers.

Chemical Components

The principal constituent of clotbur root is a carbohydrate, inulin, which can account for up to 50% of the sum works mass. Additional constituents include anthroquinone glycosides; nonhydroxy acids; a works hormone, gamma-guanidino-n-butyric acid; polyacetylenes; polyphenolic acids; tannins; and volatile acids. Seeds incorporate chlorogenic acid, fixed oils, a germacranolide, a glycoside (arctiin), Iignans, and other compounds. Some commercial teas that incorporate clotbur have got been prostrate to taint with atropine.


Burdock is claimed to exercise antimicrobial, antipyretic, diaphoretic, and diuretic drug activities. Uterine stimulation have been reported in in vivo studies. In animate being studies, clotbur infusions have got got reportedly demonstrated strong hypoglycaemic activity and hostility of blood platelet activating factor.

Various in vitro and animate being surveys have establish that clotbur possesses antimutagenic effects.

Reported Uses

Burdock is claimed to be utile for a broad scope of ailments, including arthritis; cystitis; gout; hemorrhoids; lumbar pain; rheumatism; sciatica; tegument disorders, such as as acne, canker sores, dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis; and ulcers. It have also been used as a blood purifier. In the Far East, clotbur is used to handle cancer, impotence, and sterility. Some surveys have got reported the usage of clotbur in the treatment of kidney rocks and human immunodeficiency virus infection.


Burdock is taken internally as a tea Oregon used externally as a compress.

Dried root: 2 to 6 g P.O. t.i.d.

Liquid infusion (1:1 in 25% alcohol): 2 to 8 milliliter P.O. t.i.d.

Tea: I cup P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d.

Tincture (1:10 in 45% alcohol): 8 to 12 milliliter P.O. t.i.d.

Adverse Reactions

Skin: allergic dermatitis.

Other: allergic reactions.


Insulin, unwritten antidiabetics: May addition hypoglycaemic effects. Avoid disposal with burdock.

Contraindications And Precautions

Burdock is contraindicated during pregnancy-especially inch the first trimester-because of the personal effects of anthraquinone glycosides establish in the roots of clotbur plants. It is also contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to the herbaceous works or related to plant species.

Special Considerations

Allergic reactions have got been demonstrated in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family. Other members of this household include chrysanthemum, daisy, mangold, and ragweed.

Alert Poisoning caused by atropine taint of some commercial clotbur teas can occur. Signs and symptoms of toxicity include blurred vision, dilated pupils, and rapid pulsation rate. Treatment, if needed, includes physostigmine reversal .

Inform the patient that clotbur merchandises may be significantly contaminated with atropine and that toxicity have resulted from this contamination.

Inform the diabetic patient that clotbur may increase the hazard of hypoglycaemia and that insulin or unwritten antidiabetic drug drug doses may necessitate to be reduced.

Inform the patient that few scientific information measure burdock's personal effects in humans.

Caution women to avoid using clotbur during gestation or when breast-feeding.

Points of Interest

Burdock root is commonly eaten in Asia, less often in the United States.


Animal and in vitro surveys propose that clotbur usage might offer curative benefits. Clinical trials are needed to back up these claims. Also, information regarding the safety and efficaciousness of clotbur are lacking.



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