Celebrex Drug Effects

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Most Popular Drug In The World

There might be some debate as to what the most popular drug in the world is, but in my mind there is one that's much bigger than all the others. The reason that no one wants to admit which is the biggest is simply because of money and hypocrisy. The blatant hypocrisy when it comes to drugs has always absolutely amazing to me. We as a society can say a certain drug is a problem that requires everyone's attention, and must be stopped immediately, while at the same time taking money from companies pushing drugs that are just as bad if not worse. If you really analyze this it makes no sense at all.

How many human beings die everyday as a result of the use of alcohol? Either by drinking themselves to death, drunk driving, drunk boating, or as any other result of drinking alcohol that you can think of. Too many to even count, but if you turn on your television right now, you will see commercials telling you how cool it is to use alcohol. The hypocrisy and misinformation surrounding the use of alcohol is almost criminal. And almost no one ever comes out and says the truth. The truth is that alcohol is the most popular drug in the world.

As a person who is now sober after fifteen years of drinking, I can personally attest to the fact that alcohol is a drug that helps you escape reality. I know everyone says that they just like to have a drink or two after work or some other similar statement. My question is this. If it's not a drug and doesn't mask the way you see reality, why do it? I used every excuse in the book and it wasn't until I stopped drinking that I realized the truth.

It's completely accepted that a person can have a drink or two after work to rewind, or have a cigarette after working for a few hours to 'relax', right? Then why is it taboo if that same person went out back to snort a line after a few hours of working, or shot up a needle full of heroine after work in order to relax? In reality it's absolutely no different. They are the same thing. All of them are drugs, and we as a society shouldn't be so hypocritical.

The bottom line is that we take drugs of all kinds in an attempt to escape reality, and that's not at all a healthy thing to do. And it's also not healthy for a society to act as if their biggest drug is okay and most others are wrong. This is the definition of hypocrisy and we shouldn't put up with it. We should walk away from all drugs including alcohol, and begin dealing with this thing called life from the natural perspective that we were intended.


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